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Best CBD Forums UK

At Herb Reviews, we’ve been trialling and reviewing CBD products since 2019. Unlike many CBD review sites, we only talk about products we’ve actually held in our hands and used for at least a week. This extensive first-hand experience means that we’re uniquely qualified to know which CBD oils are worth your time and where to go to get relevant product advice.

When you’re looking for somewhere to ask questions and learn from the experiences of others, forums are hard to beat. Disappointingly, in the UK there are relatively few that are genuinely useful and unbiased. However, over the years we’ve found a few excellent options that are worth joining to expand your knowledge and share your experiences.

If you were hoping for advice on oils check out our best CBD oil UK piece.

CBD on RedditReddit Logo

Reddit is a great place to share opinions, ask questions and vote on submissions from other users. If you search for CBD subreddits you’ll see several available, however, some are far more useful than others. Some are filled with generic information and plugs from CBD companies.

If you’re looking for somewhere to get great tips and product recommendations you can try:


Started in 2018 /r/CBD_UK is a UK-focused forum with over 6,000 members. It’s an active community with regular discussion threads and lots of useful advice. I’m an active member and always enjoy discussing new topics, learning from members and sharing recommendations. A broad range of topics is covered from personal experiences with CBD to product recommendations and requests for advice.

Some of the most popular discussions have included the legality of hemp flower (CBD flower is not legal), the excellent beginner’s guide to CBD and my own thread on trying Holland & Barrett CBD oils (full article can be read here).

This subreddit was created by for the Ageless, a UK retailer that stocks a broad range of CBD products. They take a relaxed approach and occasionally offer helpful advice and recommendations when appropriate.

Other useful subreddits

If you have an interest in CBD flowers you may also like to check out;

/r/CBDFlowerUK – CBD Flower UK is a smaller community with close to 700 members but it still provides useful advice and recommendations. It’s a UK-focused subreddit but there is occasionally some discussion of international issues relating to CBD flowers.

If you want to save on your next CBD purchase then there’s a sub for that too;

/r/cannabiscoupons/ – This sub is dedicated to bringing together lists of the best discounts available online for hemp flowers, CBD oils and all manner of products. They also have a selection of UK CBD stores on their website, Cannabis Vouchers, alongside some US retailers that ship to the UK.

Facebook Groupsfacebook Logo

Facebook groups can be an excellent way to find information or to connect with people who share an interest. However, the majority of UK CBD groups are run by retailers who have created them to sell products. This means that discussions are often one-sided and other members may be prevented from sharing their opinions or experiences of other products.

UK CBD Support

To address the lack of honest discussion around CBD on Facebook I’ve created a group called UK CBD Support which can be found at It’s a space to visit to find reviews and to have CBD-related discussions with other consumers. Herb Reviews is built around our honest opinion of CBD products and this group is built on the same principles. If you’ve got a question, a recommendation or just want to connect with other people who take CBD, it’s just what you’re looking for.

Other Facebook Groups

Brands that run their own UK CBD Facebook groups include Simply CBD and Healing Cauldron. Another option is “CBD Tips and Advice for Everyone” which is run by a small group of people who own CBD stores. If you’re looking for general information on CBD, these groups may offer you some insight, but for impartial product-related queries UK CBD Support is the best option.

Traditional Forums

There are no traditional forum websites focused on UK CBD. However, there are a few sites that have a broader subject such as vaping or cannabis that often host CBD-specific threads:

Planet of the VapesPlanet of the Vapes Logo

This is a popular UK vaping forum that covers a wide range of topics linked to vapes, vaping and e-liquids. There are several threads relating to CBD e-liquids, the benefits of CBD and general product recommendations.

THC Talk

THC Talk is a forum started to discuss cannabis and cannabis growing. Despite the focus on intoxicating strains, there are some threads devoted to CBD and relevant products. This is a members-only forum so you’ll need to create a username before being able to explore it fully.


This is another cannabis discussion page with a large active membership. The discussion revolves around cannabis and cannabis culture rather than CBD. Occasionally CBD is mentioned as part of a larger thread.